nedelja, 27. oktober 2013

Gold Line International Review. Is Gold Line Scam? Is Gold Line for You?

 Gold Line International Review.  Is Gold Line Scam? Is Gold Line for You?

Dear visitor...

you are here because you want to find out more about Gold Line International, yes?

I was just like you now, searching for more information and if you are first time visitor, READ!!!

I am writing here, everything I know, so read till end of this post, take your time.

You think: "For sure it is some kind of scam? It is too good to be true, there is something behind of this..."

So here are some facts, my opinion as I have personally joined Gold Line International to check if there i something you have to know...

Gold Line International have official website
in this moment: 27.10.2013 9:07 pm
602.022 people registered in 12 months and counting
5.637,406,00 USD  participants received in 12 months and counting
314.672,00 USD transffered to WholeWorld fundation in 12 months and counting

Website is well designed, simple to use and read, support many languages and what is most important, it shows you with video presentation what they, how they it, why they do it and how they help people and how you can help people WorldWide.

It looks like this, yes, take your time as this will help you to understand everything,..

If you decide to join after watching this video click here

About Gold Line International Reciprocal Financial Aid System

Gold Line changes the usual view of such a thing as Charity.
We have proved that participation in charity is much more pleasant and interesting when it brings you not only moral but also material satisfaction!

Just imagine...
Having made a charitable donation only once, you in return become the object of public charity and get free financial aid from people all over the world.

The volume of monetary funds you can receive as the financial aid
being a Gold Line member is practically unlimited.

It can be 10, 50, 100 or even 1000 transfers per day!
And the money transfers can amount to 0.2-15 USD.


People have always been striving for stability in their lives and confidence in the future. With this aim in view, they invented a variety of reciprocal aid systems.

This is what gave rise to insurance companies, pension funds, trade unions, and other entities that are based on accumulation and re-distribution of funds provided by the numerous "contributors" to cover the current needs of a relatively small number of them.

The modern world can hardly be imagined without these systems, and the number of such companies is growing every day so Gold Line is one of them.

Gold Line International is a united international system for reciprocal financial aid that was designed to bring millions of people from the entire world together and let them provide ongoing financial support to each other.

Gold Line is an independent automated system without any human involvement in the accounting and control of financial transactions.

The system keeps real-time account of each member’s entitlements to financial aid, and the amounts are credited to the member’s accounts with a bank or a payment system immediately, which provides 100% guarantee that you get what is due to you in accordance with the rules. Members can see their statistics and manage their personal account 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
So you are really protected here, they do not keep and redistribute money.

The benefits that your membership in the System will give you are not one-time but regular and will keep growing.

Bringing all countries of the world and all segments of the population together, Gold Line is every member’s opportunity to improve his/her financial situation and gain confidence in the future very quickly.

The development, support, and improvement of the System are funded with members’ annual service fees.

The system’s operation principles

Gold Line finds it necessary to inform everyone willing to join the international reciprocal financial aid system of the following information:
  • Please read the Member Agreement before joining the system.
  • The first 15 USD, 40 USD or 70 USD that you contribute annually as a financial aid to other system’s members as well as 5 USD that you contribute annually to pay for the system’s services (the system’s operation support and development in the Internet) are non-refundable. The RF citizens pay in rubles at the RF Central Bank exchange rate of the US dollar to the RF ruble as of the payment date:
    - Do not pay if you don’t want to provide free aid to other members.
    - Do not pay if you are deluded or forced to do so.
  • They do not promise you that you are certain to get free aid from other members in any case.
  • They do not promise you that you will quickly make a fortune.
  • The earnings example shown in the video and text presentations is just an example of possible earnings and a demonstration of the system’s operation. It is not a public offer.
  • They warn you that if other members don’t want to provide you free aid, you will get no money.
  • Gold Line International Reciprocal Financial Aid system is not a pyramid scheme. The arranger (Gold Line) does not accept interest deposits from members and does not promise any guaranteed earnings of being a member of the system. All the transactions of providing financial aid by the members are voluntary, nonrefundable and performed directly between members.
  • You get free financial aid only from the members registered in the system with the number of your invitation certificate or any other certificate listing your name.
  • All Gold Line does is provide a convenient Internet resource that lets you attract new members and get free financial aid from them using your own energy and persuasion.
  • It only depends on yourself and your business qualities and decisions whether you get financial aid from other members or not.
  • For organization and maintenance of the Gold Line Internet resource, software handling, taking care of payment systems and banks, Gold Line sets a 5 USD annual fee for every member.
  • The RF citizens pay in rubles at the RF Central Bank exchange rate of the US dollar to the RF ruble as of the payment date
  • Our liability to you is limited to:
    - maintaining the Gold Line Internet resource in good working condition;
    - prompt and accurate execution of orders to perform transactions of providing financial aid that are sent to the system by members according to the system’s general rules;
    - control and accounting of financial aid amounts that we receive from and transfer to the system’s members. 
  •  Is it virtual company or real company?
    Gold Line International is registered in the Russian Federation as:
    «Gold Line» Company Limited 

    Registered address and account details:
     Taxpayer Identification Number (INN): 7841457912
    Registration Reason Code (KPP): 784101001
    Principal State Registration Number (OGRN): 1127847040595
    Registered address: 27A Bolshaya Konyushennaya St., St.Petersburg, 191186
    Actual address: 40А Naberezhnaja Mojki St., St.Petersburg, 191186

  • So company is real, not hidding anything, real nice.

If you decide to join after reading this click here


Business machine

Here I present you the «Business Machine» service. This is really unique and helpful for people who do not know how to sell, promote, invite,... Many thousands of people from all over the world daily visit their website and I think this is Brilliant idea!

Many of them learn about Gold Line from open sources (i.e. from Gold Line marketing campaigns)
and browse the website by following a simple direct link to ""
without using personal invitations from the existing system participants.

As soon as these persons register in Gold Line the system automatically distributes
such uninvited newcomers in course among those participants who use the «Business Machine» service.

The number of passengers our «Business Machine» can carry is limited.
The price per seat is estimated for each period individually. 

EXAMPLE: you pay 95 USD and you get back 105% !!!! ;)

Ok, lets proceed.

The size of money transfers that you will receive from other members of the
Community depends on size of financial aid provided by you.
Thus, for example:
If provide $15 as financial aid, you will receive 20% of the money transfer amounts sent
to you by other participants. And the remaining 80% of these funds will be directed
to charitable organizations - the Community's partners.
If you provide $40 as financial aid, you will receive 60% of the money transfer amounts sent
to you by other participants. And the remaining 40% of these funds will be directed
to charitable organizations - the Community's partners.
If you provide $70 as financial aid, you will receive 100% of the money transfer amounts sent
to you by other participants.

I supose you want to see at least one Payment Proof? This is PrintScreen of back office of Russian member.





Gold Line gets recognized by the RACE Expo 2012 audience

All RACE Expo visitors got colorful merchandise packed into RACE Expo bags where on the main page
of the all-companies catalogue there was placed a huge Gold Line banner.

So I am telling you now, if you are still not sure to join Gold Line, read this post again, watch the video and come back, sleep over and read it are going to really help people and children.
So why do not join?
I am convinced that if not now, maybe next year some of your friends will ask about it and if can join...

In this times, really difficult times, I am ready to help people as with Gold Line I have opportunity to help my join me on this banner below, it is real thing...

You want to join after reading my Gold Line review click here

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